May 24 @ 10:00 am - May 25 @ 4:00 pm EDT

Join us for a transformative experience with fibre artist Megan Cleland into the world of Sculptural Needle Felting. Whether you’re an experienced felter or a curious beginner, this 2-day workshop promises an engaging blend of artistry and fun.
Don’t miss this opportunity to create, connect, and be inspired!
Over the course of this immersive weekend workshop, you’ll delve deep into the artistry of needle felting, elevating your skills from traditional techniques to the captivating realm of three-dimensional sculpture!
On day one, artists will be introduced to armatures and how to design them for size and pose, using sources photos of hares in nature. Megan will offer guidance on wire wrapping to create shape using core wool. A basic head shape and ears will be developed and blending of the outer coat will be discussed and colours selected for day 2.
On the Sunday, fine tuning of head and ears, applying eyes, completing the body shape, adding fur, and deciding the pose for the final piece will be resolved.
If time allows, we will look at armatures for other animals or birds.
Please note, there is a $20 kit fee, payable to instructor in cash at the start of the workshop.
All materials included in the kit fee. Kit fee includes core wool; pipe cleaners for armature; wood round base; eyes; corriedale for outer fur; felting needles; rice bag, etc.